I’m Gonna Make You My Bitch

by Phoenix on March 21, 2012

I know you better than you know yourself! You want me to OWN you. You want nothing more than for me to control you. I will make you my bitch, it’s so easy. You are that easy to control. I will take over your life and everything in it. I know you want it. I know you need it. You want for me to put my name on you. You want to be branded, once I brand you, you will be mine. I know you want it in the worst way. Just like how you love giving me everything you have and believe me, when I am done with you. You will have NOTHING but my name branded on you and in you like a second skin.

Phoenix will ruin you

Phoenix 1-866-949-9733

This Money Grabbing Phone Sex blog written by Phoenix.
Call Phoenix at 1-866-949-9733
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